This is not a surprise for me at all. You are signing *everything* in the document
includingthe <dsig:Signature> node subtree. Which means that you never get
it verified:
- when you are signing the <dsig:SignatureValue> is not yet calculated
(i.e. empty)
- when you are verifying the <dsig:SignatureValue> has a non-empty value
and, of course, the digest is *different*

Probably, you want to add an enveloped transform

<Transform Algorithm=""; />
<Transform Algorithm=""; />

To exclude <dsig:Signature> subtree.


kltsai wrote:

Hi aleksey and igor:

I am sorry to make such a big mistake. In fact, I downloaded
v0.0.10 from Mr. Igor's site. But I still have some problem with he

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Data1 Id="anchor1">
<Signature xmlns=""; Id="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
<CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""; />
<SignatureMethod Algorithm=""; />
<Reference URI="#xpointer(/)">
<Transform Algorithm=""; />
<DigestMethod Algorithm=""; />

And it causes the following message:
C:\temp\xmlsec-0.0.11\TestApp\Debug>testapp verify kltsai6.xml
(c:\temp\xmlsec-0.0.11\src\xmldsig.c:1493): error 51: invalid reference :
= Status:
== Signatures ok: 0
== Signatures fail: 1
== SignedInfo Ref ok: 0
== SignedInfo Ref fail: 1
== Manifest Ref ok: 0
== Manifest Ref fail: 0
Error: operation failed

I debug into the sourse code, and find it means verification stage gets
different digestvalue from DigestValue node. It doesn't stand for xmlSec
does not recognize reference node. I am still trying to find out the
problem. Does anyone have any idea about my problem? Thanks in


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