Could you please run 'make check' in the top level xmlsec folder?
I want to make sure that all the tests pass.


James Olsen wrote:
Hello Aleksey,

AS> Check if your document has Manifest elements. The digest failure on
AS> the Manifest element does not invalidate the signature


Thank you for the tip; I'm currently using the documents provided
in the examples folder within the xmlsec tarball.

Here is the command line I'm using (all files from the tarball):

  ./sign3 sign3-doc.xml rsakey.pem rsacert.pem > sign3-res.xml

I compiled the same tarball on a linux box, and I was able to properly
sign the same xml file using the same files. The issue would seem to
be either the architecture (different endian, 64-bit vs. 32-bit) or a
supporting library, such as openssl. However, I admit I'm very
inexperienced at C/C++, especially on the unix platform so I am only
guessing at what the problem(s) might be.

Thank you for your time. I will post again if I discover anything

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