Thanks for the answer, it's clear :-)

Did you have time to look at the two patches I sent some times ago ?
It was about "How to avoid the node passed to xmlSecEncCtxXmlEncrypt to be released" and "Detached signature validation problem"

And Alexandre, of course I'm interested in a WS-Security library over xmlsec, especially to handle the different kind of WS-token and the additionnal so-called STR Dereference Transform. But I'm not sure that an additional library is necessary. I think that if there is a mechanism i n xmlsec to handle (as for instance with callback functions) child elements of ds:KeyInfo that don't belong to the XML signature namespace, it should be enough to retrieve the key information associated to a WS-token. Then any SOAP toolkit could be used to handle secured SOAP requests. But I must agree I didn't investigate that much, I still need to understand the XML-Security spec before to look into the WS-Security spec.

Thanks a lot,


Aleksey Sanin a écrit :
I accept patches :)


Frank Gross wrote:

I've read the WS-Security spec from OASIS, and saw that some WS-Security tokens can be child of a ds:KeyInfo node. Are there any plans to support WS-Security or at least a mechanism to extend xmlsec in order to handle such WS-Security token when signing or validating a document ?

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