On 2011-01-20, Dean Schulze wrote:

> When I create a Diff with two log4j.xml files it throws a
> FileNotFoundException with this message:

> java.io.FileNotFoundException:
> C:\dean\projects\ear.expand.diff\log4j.dtd (The system cannot find the
> file specified)

> Apparently XmlUnit is looking for log4j.dtd in the directory where I'm
> executing XmlUnit.

> I don't want XmlUnit to validate the 2 log4j.xml files.  I only want
> to know if they are similar.

XMLUnit itself doesn't try to validate the documents per se, but your
XML parser might want to do so.

> Do I have to turn off validation in this case?


If you are configuring the DocumentBuilder XMLUnit uses yourself, make
sure you don't enable validation.  If you do not configure it yourself
than the default created by your JVM is in validating mode.  In order to
turn validation off you'd have to create an instance of the default
DocumentBuilderFactory, set it to not validate XML and pass it to both
XMLUnit.setControlDocumentBuilderFactory and

Alternatively you can create the DOM Document instances yourself and use
the Diff constructor (or the XMLunit.compareXML overload) taking two


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