On 2013-04-13, Stefan Bodewig wrote:

>> On 4/11/13 1:06 PM, David Rees wrote:

>>> I also took a first crack at using dynamic programming to store the
>>> xpath expression in the Level objects. So its only computed once for
>>> each level. That took it from 0.06 to 0.04. A patch with that first
>>> crack is at https://sourceforge.net/p/xmlunit/bugs/61/.

> I'll look into it later this weekend.

I've committed your patch and ported it to C#.

Deque#descendingIterator is Java6 while I tried to keep the code base
compatible to Java5 so far.  That seemed to be a good idea three years
ago, not sure whether it really is anymore or whether Java6 as baseline
is acceptable.  If so we might question .NET 2.0 vs 3.5 as well.


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