I’m having trouble getting a basic XML comparison to give me the answer I 
expect. I’m using Junit4 & XMLUnit 1.5.

My code is:

public void testXmlTest1() throws SAXException, IOException
                String source = "<stuff-doc><stuff>Stuff Stuff 
Stuff</stuff><more-stuff>Some More Stuff</more-stuff></stuff-doc>";
                String test = "<stuff-doc>\n<stuff>Stuff Stuff 
Stuff</stuff>\n<more-stuff>Some More Stuff</more-stuff>\n</stuff-doc>";
                assertXMLEqual(source, test);

XMLUnit is saying they are not the same as the number of children of 
<stuff-doc> is 5, not 2. Well, that’s true because of the whitespace creating 
text nodes. But I thought XMLUnit was supposed to cope with this?

What am I doing wrong? Do I need to specify something like a DTD? Or do I have 
to create XPaths for every element?


Gordon Ross

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