On 2015-01-05, Harald Brabenetz wrote:

>>> Also I implemented the Method Input.fromJaxb(Object) ....
>> Ah, nice catch.  Could you create a separate pull request just for the
>> missing JAXBSource part?
> difficult: I must create a separate branch and checkin the different
> features.

I understand.  In general I'd prefer finer grained PRs (even squashed to
a single commit) as they are easier to review but I understand this is a
problem to ask for them after the fact.

Is all of the JAXB builder in the single commit


if so, I can easily pick just this one.

>>> Input.fromUnknown(Object)
> It is in my branch:
> https://github.com/brabenetz/xmlunit/blob/master/src/main/java-core/org/xmlunit/builder/Input.java#L109

It is also inside the patch that introduced the JAXBBuilder.  I
understand the idea, maybe just "from" would be a better name - and I'd
rather use a Map that a chain of instanceofs.

One problem I see is how to interpret a String arg - you've decided to
use fromMemory but fromFile or fromUri would also be legitimate choices.

I guess I need to review the DiffBuilder stuff to understand how you
intend to use it.  Usually people will know what builder method they
want to invoke :-)

> -------------
> Nice Diff-View with org.junit.ComparisionFailure.
> -------------
> Can I add junit 4 library to xmlunit-hamecrest?

Please don't.  I wouldn't want to introduce a JUnit dependency for users
of TestNG which can also use Hamcrest matchers.

> I think it's only optional: It will not throw a ClassCastException if
> the following feature (CompareMatcher.throwComparisonFailure()) is not
> used.

The IDE visualization is certainly nice.  An approach that might work is
having an optional dependency and a fallback solution if
ComparisonFailure is not there (like not throwing that exception and
return false from matches).

> I added a Sceencast and Screenshot as attachement.

Thanks, this is helpful.



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