On 2015-02-15, Harald Brabenetz wrote:

> I improved the JaxbBuilder and implemented JaxbBuilder.useObjectFactory().
> https://github.com/brabenetz/xmlunit/commit/1aaabfc5b880b0dc81c7b896f545b5130fa0d603
> I will prepare a pull request for it.

OK.  This reminds me I wanted to look into supporting
XML-deserialization for .NET as well.

> I also tested the current XmlUnit 2.x implementation on my current Project.
> Everything woks fine.

Great, thanks.

> But one Question:
> Why is the return type of "Comparison.getControlDetails().getTarget()" an 
> Object?
> Is there any case where the return Object is not a org.w3c.dom.Node?

This is likely part of the somewhat ambiguos API in the diff package.
Parts of it try to abstract from DOM, other parts are tied to it.  If we
agreed to embrace DOM as part of XMLUnit's diff API, then we may as well
switch to Node here.


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