Sébastien Cevey wrote:
Right, it was just me misunderstanding the whole args business, so
please ignore me on the topic.

No I think you question was valid. It displays a subtle difference between:

{ 'type': 'file',
  'path': b'/path/to/file.mp3'}


{ 'type': 'http',
  'path': b'http://example.com/file.mp3'}

When should protocol part be kept? Does client really need to take that into consideration?

Should it maybe be:
{ 'type': 'url',
  'path': b'daap://'}

Some transports wants utf8? So should this be valid:
{ 'type': 'url',
  'path': 'smb://'} # look no b''

Current scheme is very disk-path centric, i.e expects a bytearray with unknown encoding. Maybe most other transports prefers an UTF-8 string? Maybe we should make file:// the special case? Guess we need to go over the transports and see which encoding they expect in their "open" calls.


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