Hello Todor,

Todor Colakov wrote:

so should I let jack to get input stream from internet and then its output send 
to disk AND to some audio software like xmms2 or audacity? Thing is, that in 
old xmms, there was plugin for diskwritting (if i remember it well) and it 
wrote the input stream to the disk along playing it through alsa or whatever, 
so generaly I was looking for the same functionaly.

the deal is that XMMS2 is currently lacking a diskwriter client although I'm pretty sure that eventually one will show up. Until then, I see two options for you:

- If you're not shy of risking the life of yourself and all your family
  members, you may use git to get the xmms2-devel tree, build xmms2 from
  that yourself, enable visualization and use the "xmms2-ripper"
  program. I don't know if it was tested recently and still works.

- If you don't like all this talk about risk, compiling etc., you would
  probably have to try some other trick outside xmms2 to get the stream
  saved or, if your bandwidth allows it, download the stream with
  another program like wget alongside playing it.

I hope that's helpful for you.


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