On Wed, 20 May 2009 10:50:55 +0100
Sebastien Cevey <s...@cine7.net> wrote:
> On 19 May 2009, at 10:10, Anders Waldenborg wrote:
> > To me the only thing that would make sense is that if the property  
> > was set by xmms_xform_metadata_set_int it should be an int, and if  
> > it was set with xmms_xform_metadata_set_str it should be a string.  
> > Without any exceptions.
> Makes sense yes.
> > I guess the only of the alternatives that handles that properly is  
> > adding an extra column (either a type column, or an new value_int  
> > column, thats would be NULL for strings (but the value column would  
> > always contain the string representation if that helps querying)).
> Right, I think we'd always use the string representation for querying,  
> possibly factored out in a separate stringtable, so a type column  
> might be acceptable.
> Let's wait for nesciens' comments.

I think the extra value_int column would be easiest implementation-wise.
Data can then be requested from sqlite using "ifnull(intval, value)".
I think I can smuggle this in when cleaning up the code (porting to
new  functions, rewriting history, etc.)

Erik Massop / nesciens

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