
I'd promised greafine I'd post a few mock designs I made before
leaving on holiday (offline till Friday evening, then sporadically
online from CH between Sat-Tue), and I thought I might as well share
them here.  Wanted to make a blog post but my "photo-scanners" are
really too ugly, and I must sleep soon.



We've been talking about it and greafine has been working on this
already, but I had some more UI styling and features in mind.  In
particular, visually distinguishing the command/action (first word of
the input) in a distinct field.  The user could still just enter a
pattern in the main field, in which case a default action (search?)
would be selected; or type a command, which would automatically be
shifted in the command slot.

There could be a dropdown for the command field, to make them more
discoverable.  Also allows reusing current arguments for new commands
(e.g. search and then browse some more and then enqueue).

Running a command displays the result of the action in the main area
below.  Extra view-specific arguments (typically altered by clicks in
the view, e.g. order by year, etc) could go in a minor list on the
right, so that the bar exactly specifies what you see in the main
view.  Which could then be "bookmarked", etc.

The dropdown for the whole bar would show history of past commands.

A LOT can be done here, and the goal isn't to do everything, just to
share some ideas.  Most importantly for starters, we need to be able
to load the results of an action in the main view, possibly
distinguish the action visually in the bar.  Bonus if the view can
then update the bar, e.g. if you go from "search results" to "browse
album", it would change the "address" of the view in the bar as well.


Two random musing about the column/collection browser, which is also
implemented in the current prototype.

The top one shows the collections (including the default "All Media")
as the parent left-most column, as well as composite values in the
album and track columns.  Especially useful to prepend tracknr and get
proper ordering, which I guess we will want.  The last column on the
right could be used to display more metadata about the selected track,
e.g. cover, path, etc.

In a later phase, we could let the user customize the sequence of
columns, by changing the property used for each column, and possibly
save such sequences as "Browse by" settings.  Good hardcoded default
would be enough for now though.

The bottom mock shows an alternative, where the "Browse by" setting
(i.e. sequence of column) is the left-most column, and more advanced
columns are possible, e.g. Date Added with smart values by time, etc.
On there, the collection displayed (or "All Media") in the columns is
picked from a separate list above, similarly to how it is now in the
prototype (below the columns).  The list could have more or less
verbose items.

For now we can probably keep the second mock aside, as well as the
extreme configurability.  What would be nice, though, is to list All
Media long the collections, to allow simple composite values (for
proper tracknr and track order), and maybe avoid the right-most empty

That's it for now.  There is good infrastructural work in place in the
current prototype, but I hope to see some work in the two components I
described above, as well as the playlist styling (even as simple but
clean rows for now).  Before anything else (library browsing, coll
bins), we might also want simple search results from a search module?
This way, we could test the bar to replace the main view between
playlist and search results.  Maybe simple control buttons hooked up
to the already present play/pause/stop actions (and next/prev) ?

Well feel free to discuss here, I won't be replying before Friday, but
greafine is committing stuff in the calypso repo so you may want to
check it out!

greafine, up to you to reuse what I suggested above, but it'd be cool
to polish some of the components you already implemented into simple
preliminary versions.  Okay with that?

Cheers, see you in a few days!

Sébastien Cevey / inso.cc

" Rest is for the weak and the dead. "

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