2011/12/1 Juhapekka Tolvanen <juht...@iki.fi>:
> Check out this screenshot of uxterm running "xmms2 list | less":
> http://iki.fi/juhtolv/tmp/bugreports/XMMS2/01/xmms2_UTF-8_01.png
> I think that XMMS2 behaves like this: When tags of certain MP3-file in
> certain directory are changed, XMMS2 do not re-read them. I think it
> just uses some cached values, when that file is added to the playlist.
> Sometimes those cached values are wrong.

To re-index all files:
xmms2 server rehash

To re-index all files matching some pattern:
xmms2 server rehash url~bjork AND album~something

or perhaps
xmms2 server rehash artist:brokenunicodebjörk

...etc, for more info on patterns check the man-page.

We have a utility called xmms2-mlib-updater than you can drop a
symlink to in your ~/.config/xmms2/startup.d that will automatically
add files to the medialib, and rehash files as they change.

If you haven't upgraded to XMMS2 0.8, then use nyxmms2 instead of
xmms2 in the above examples.

Daniel Svensson

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