Only one functional change - test-xi2 prints out the event type name as
well. All other changes are man page fixes and packaging fixes.

Gaetan Nadon (5):
      .gitignore: use common defaults with custom section # 24239 ChangeLog not required: EXTRA_DIST or *CLEANFILES #24432
      Deploy the new XORG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS #24242
      INSTALL, NEWS, README or AUTHORS files are missing/incorrect #24206 add ChangeLog and INSTALL on MAINTAINERCLEANFILES

Jeremy Huddleston (1):
      This is not a GNU project, so declare it foreign.

Julien Cristau (1):
      Add Peter and Red Hat's copyright notices and licenses to COPYING

Peter Hutterer (4):
      man: remove reference to XListInputDevices
      man: document XI2 options
      test-xi2: print event type name as well.
      xinput 1.5.1

Simon Thum (1):
      Clarify role of set-ptr-feedback

git tag: xinput-1.5.1
MD5:  82400f0ba63217df9b00d825532cea7d  xinput-1.5.1.tar.bz2
SHA1: f8f45486de7d44b3d7274dfd24f988035fe05910  xinput-1.5.1.tar.bz2
MD5:  0463541dc9a38581577318f593b21d14  xinput-1.5.1.tar.gz
SHA1: a1c888e869e8c50c9b79779376833d7e26fd4bf6  xinput-1.5.1.tar.gz

Attachment: pgpytW1m65kM6.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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