xditview lets you view dits in X instead of dots.  No, wait, that doesn't 
sound right....lets dig way back in here, oh yes, it says here that
xditview displays ditroff output on an X display.  
(Like you remembered what it does. Or have ever used it.)

This minor maintenance release includes general cleanups, including
making the build configuration scripts compatible with automake-1.13,
which errors out on the old AM_CONFIG_HEADER macro.

Alan Coopersmith (1):
      xditview 1.0.3

Gaetan Nadon (6):
      config: use AC_PROG_INSTALL now supplied by XORG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS
      config: replace deprecated AC_HELP_STRING with AS_HELP_STRING
      config: replace deprecated AM_CONFIG_HEADER with AC_CONFIG_HEADERS
      man: remove trailing spaces and tabs
      man: replace hard coded man page section with substitution strings
      config: move man pages into their own directory

git tag: xditview-1.0.3

MD5:  a9a49c84477be93cdd1cd7726d758574
SHA1: 38eb96a186d9e0507291be30a9b9b65de667635b
SHA256: 30f0eaee7e740a080cfb29e3f57a1202e6a5a19a0bfb099c89060cc2986e0328

MD5:  31443987a03ffe83eca201b318cbecd1
SHA1: 70222dd1c6e3eee5b00c0507fe1f6e51b649b17b
SHA256: 1adc805693d44c82978374c113d1b5ba7055e1e29f1ceedecfdf3a52a13bf576

        -Alan Coopersmith-              alan.coopersm...@oracle.com
         Oracle Solaris Engineering - http://blogs.oracle.com/alanc

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