The appres program prints the Xt resources seen by an application (or
subhierarchy of an application) with the specified class and instance
names.  It can be used to determine which resources a particular
program will load.

This minor maintenance release provides the specified collection of
build configuration improvements and janitorial cleanup instances,
plus a new -V command line flag to print its version (not that much
changes between versions, not even the announcements).

Alan Coopersmith (4):
      Mark usage() as _X_NORETURN to satisfy -Wmissing-noreturn warning
      Combine usage message into a single string
      Add -V option to print command version
      appres 1.0.4

Gaetan Nadon (5):
      man: remove trailing spaces and tabs
      man: replace hard coded man page section with substitution strings
      config: move man pages into their own directory
      .gitignore: the original copy was somewhat broken
      .gitignore: fix typo

git tag: appres-1.0.4
MD5:  ed598f0599d726963c1bdfdc691960d9
SHA1: f89d6fff84d838c0b8b4adeca46185b6d4812a27
SHA256: 9f614e9427cd9641a4a801ed5055700afa410674c0b7aa186b86078f11b83e8d
MD5:  f82aabe6bbb8960781b63c6945bb361b
SHA1: 15217d2f1579efd41708837883ff83348ff6312a
SHA256: 22cb6f639c891ffdbb5371bc50a88278185789eae6907d05e9e0bd1086a80803

        -Alan Coopersmith-    
         Oracle Solaris Engineering -

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