Le lundi 22 mars 2010 à 17:49 -0700, Jeremy Huddleston a écrit :
> I was thinking smaller would be more "acceptable" ... but I too would  
> prefer something like OsRandom() in os/utils.c ... 

I would prefer too, since GNU libc doesn't have a definition for
arc4random, something like OsRandom() would be definitely better.
You should also specify known output range for the PRNG:
rand() returns an int in range [0..RAND_MAX] while arc4random() returns
an uint32_t with range [0..2^32-1].

(Let me introduce you to "hasard" library, a portable random generator


This library could be use to wrote a portable OsRandom(), with a fast,
non secure PRNG.)


Yann Droneaud

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