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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.3//EN"
+                   "";>
+<!-- lifted from troff+ms+XMan by doclifter -->
+<book id="porting">
+   <title>X11 Input Extension Porting Document</title>
+   <releaseinfo>X Version 11, Release 6.7</releaseinfo>
+   <authorgroup>
+      <author>
+         <firstname>George</firstname><surname>Sachs</surname>
+         <affiliation><orgname>Hewlett-Packard</orgname></affiliation>
+      </author>
+   </authorgroup>
+   <corpname>X Consortium Standard</corpname>
+   <copyright><year>1989</year><holder>Hewlett-Packard 
+   <copyright><year>1990</year><holder>Hewlett-Packard 
+   <copyright><year>1991</year><holder>Hewlett-Packard 
+   <copyright><year>1989</year><holder>X Consortium</holder></copyright>
+   <copyright><year>1990</year><holder>X Consortium</holder></copyright>
+   <copyright><year>1991</year><holder>X Consortium</holder></copyright>
+   <affiliation><orgname>X Consortium</orgname></affiliation>
+   <productnumber>X Version 11, Release 6.7</productnumber>
+Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this documentation for any 
purpose and without fee is
+hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission 
notice appear in all copies.
+Hewlett-Packard makes no representations about the suitability for any purpose 
of the information in this
+document. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. This 
document is only a draft stan-
+dard of the X Consortium and is therefore subject to change.
+<para>Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a 
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 
&ldquo;Software&rdquo;), to deal in the Software without restriction, including 
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, 
sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom 
the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:</para>
+<para>Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a 
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 
&ldquo;Software&rdquo;), to deal in the Software without restriction, including 
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, 
sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom 
the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:</para>
+<para>The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included 
in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.</para>
+<para>Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Consortium shall 
not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other 
dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the X 
+<para>X Window System is a trademark of The Open Group.</para>
+<chapter id="x11_input_extension_porting_document">
+<title>X11 Input Extension Porting Document</title>
+This document is intended to aid the process of integrating the 
+X11 Input Extension into an X server.
+<!-- .LP -->
+Most of the functionality provided by the input extension is 
+device- and implementation-independent, and should require no changes.  
+The functionality is implemented by
+routines that typically reside in the server source tree directory 
+This extension includes functions to enable and disable input extension 
+select input, grab and focus those device, query and change key 
+and button mappings, and others.  The only input extension requirements 
+for the device-dependent part of X are that the input devices be 
+correctly initialized and input events from those devices be correctly
+generated.  Device-dependent X is responsible for reading input data from 
+the input device hardware and if necessary, reformatting it into X events.
+<!-- .LP -->
+The process of initializing input extension devices is similar to that used 
+for the core devices, and is described in the following sections.  When
+multiple input devices are attached to X server, the choice of which devices
+to initially use as the core X pointer and keyboard is left 
+implementation-dependent.  It is also up to each implementation to decide
+whether all input devices will be opened by the server during its 
+initialization and kept open for the life of the server.  The alternative is
+to open only the X keyboard and X pointer during server initialization, and
+open other input devices only when requested by a client to do so.  Either
+type of implementation is supported by the input extension.
+<!-- .LP -->
+Input extension events generated by the X server use the same 32-byte xEvent
+wire event as do core input events.  However, additional information must be
+sent for input extension devices, requiring that multiple xEvents be generated
+each time data is received from an input extension device.  These xEvents are
+combined into a single client XEvent by the input extension library.  A later
+section of this document describes the format and generation of input extension
+<sect1 id="Initializing_Extension_Devices">
+<title>Initializing Extension Devices</title>
+<!-- .LP -->
+Extension input devices are initialized in the same manner as the core 
+X input devices.  Device-Independent X provides functions that can be 
+called from DDX to initialize these devices.  Which functions are called
+and when will vary by implementation, and will depend on whether the 
+implementation opens all the input devices available to X when X is 
+or waits until a client requests that a device be opened.
+In the simplest case, DDX will open all input devices as part of its
+initialization, when the InitInput routine is called.
+<sect2 id="Summary_of_Calling_Sequence">
+<title>Summary of Calling Sequence</title>
+<!-- .LP -->
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+Device-Independent X       |  Device-Dependent X
+--------------------       |  -------------------             
+                           |                                        
+InitInput --------------&gt;  |  - do device-specific initialization
+                           |                                        
+                           |  - call AddInputDevice  (deviceProc,AutoStart)
+AddInputDevice             |   
+  - creates DeviceIntRec   |
+  - records deviceProc     |
+  - adds new device to     | 
+    list of off_devices.   |
+sets dev-&gt;startup=AutoStart|           
+                           |  - call one of:                       
+                           |    - RegisterPointerDevice (X pointer)
+                           |      - processInputProc = ProcessPointerEvents
+                           |    - RegisterKeyboardDevice (X keyboard)
+                           |      - processInputProc = ProcessKeyboardEvents
+                           |    - RegisterOtherDevice  (extension device)
+                           |      - processInputProc = ProcessOtherEvents
+                           |                                        
+                           |                                        
+InitAndStartDevices -----&gt; |  - calls deviceProc with parameters
+                           |    (DEVICE_INIT, AutoStart)
+sets dev-&gt;inited = return  |
+  value from deviceProc    |    
+                           |                                        
+                           |  - in deviceProc, do one of:                      
+                           |    - call InitPointerDeviceStruct (X pointer)
+                           |    - call InitKeyboardDeviceStruct (X keybd)
+                           |    - init extension device by calling some of:
+                           |      - InitKeyClassDeviceStruct
+                           |      - InitButtonClassDeviceStruct
+                           |      - InitValuatorClassDeviceStruct
+                           |      - InitValuatorAxisStruct
+                           |      - InitFocusClassDeviceStruct
+                           |      - InitProximityClassDeviceStruct
+                           |      - InitKbdFeedbackClassDeviceStruct
+                           |      - InitPtrFeedbackClassDeviceStruct
+                           |      - InitLedFeedbackClassDeviceStruct
+                           |      - InitStringFeedbackClassDeviceStruct
+                           |      - InitIntegerFeedbackClassDeviceStruct
+                           |      - InitBellFeedbackClassDeviceStruct
+                           |    - init device name and type by:
+                           |      - calling MakeAtom with one of the 
+                           |        predefined names
+                           |      - calling AssignTypeAndName
+                           |                                        
+                           |                                        
+for each device added      |                                        
+    by AddInputDevice,     |                                        
+    InitAndStartDevices    |                                        
+    calls EnableDevice if  |  - EnableDevice calls deviceProc with 
+    dev-&gt;startup &amp;         |    (DEVICE_ON, AutoStart)
+    dev-&gt;inited            |  
+                           |                                        
+If deviceProc returns      |  - core devices are now enabled, extension
+    Success, EnableDevice  |    devices are now available to be accessed
+    move the device from   |    through the input extension protocol
+    inputInfo.off_devices  |    requests.                           
+    to inputInfo.devices   |                                        
+<sect2 id="Initialization_Called_From_InitInput">
+<title>Initialization Called From InitInput</title>
+<!-- .LP -->
+InitInput is the first DDX input entry point called during X server startup.
+This routine is responsible for
+device- and implementation- specific initialization, and for calling
+AddInputDevice to create and initialize the DeviceIntRec structure for each
+input device.  AddInputDevice is passed the address of a procedure to be called
+by the DIX routine InitAndStartDevices when input devices are enabled.
+This procedure is expected to perform X initialization for the input device.
+<!-- .LP -->
+If the device is to be used as the X pointer, DDX should then call
+RegisterPointerDevice, passing the DeviceIntRec pointer,
+to initialize the device as the X pointer.
+<!-- .LP -->
+If the device is to be used as the X keyboard, DDX should instead call
+RegisterKeyboardDevice to initialize the device as the X keyboard.
+<!-- .LP -->
+If the device is to be used as an extension device, DDX should instead
+call RegisterOtherDevice, passing the DeviceIntPtr returned by
+<!-- .LP -->
+A sample InitInput implementation is shown below.
+<!-- .LP -->
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+    {
+    int i, numdevs, ReadInput();
+    DeviceIntPtr dev;
+    LocalDevice localdevs[LOCAL_MAX_DEVS];
+    DeviceProc kbdproc, ptrproc, extproc;
+    /**************************************************************
+     * Open the appropriate input devices, determine which are 
+     * available, and choose an X pointer and X keyboard device
+     * in some implementation-dependent manner.
+     ***************************************************************/
+    open_input_devices (&amp;numdevs, localdevs);
+    /**************************************************************
+     * Register a WakeupHandler to handle input when it is generated.
+     ***************************************************************/
+    RegisterBlockAndWakeupHandlers (NoopDDA, ReadInput, NULL);
+    /**************************************************************
+     * Register the input devices with DIX.
+     ***************************************************************/
+    for (i=0; i&lt;numdevs; i++)
+        {
+        if (localdevs[i].use == IsXKeyboard)
+            {
+            dev = AddInputDevice (kbdproc, TRUE);
+            RegisterKeyboardDevice (dev);
+            }
+        else if (localdevs[i].use == IsXPointer)
+            {
+            dev = AddInputDevice (ptrproc, TRUE);
+            RegisterPointerDevice (dev);
+            }
+        else 
+            {
+            dev = AddInputDevice (extproc, FALSE);
+            RegisterOtherDevice (dev);
+            }
+        if (dev == NULL)
+            FatalError ("Too many input devices.");
+        dev-&gt;devicePrivate = (pointer) &amp;localdevs[i];
+        }
+<sect2 id="Initialization_Called_From_InitAndStartDevices">
+<title>Initialization Called From InitAndStartDevices</title>
+<!-- .LP -->
+After InitInput has returned,
+InitAndStartDevices is the DIX routine that is called to enable input devices. 
+It calls the device control routine that was passed to AddInputDevice,
+with a mode value of DEVICE_INIT.  The action taken by the device control
+routine depends on how the device is to be used.  If the device is to be
+the X pointer, the device control routine should call
+InitPointerDeviceStruct to initialize it.  If the device is to be the
+X keyboard, the device control routine should call
+InitKeyboardDeviceStruct.  Since input extension devices may support various
+combinations of keys, buttons, valuators, and feedbacks,
+each class of input that it supports must be initialized.
+Entry points are defined by DIX to initialize each of the supported classes of
+input, and are described in the following sections.
+<!-- .LP -->
+A sample device control routine called from InitAndStartDevices is 
+shown below.
+<!-- .LP -->
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+Bool extproc (dev, mode)
+    DeviceIntPtr dev;
+    int mode;
+    {
+    LocalDevice *localdev = (LocalDevice *) dev-&gt;devicePrivate;
+    switch (mode)
+        {
+        case DEVICE_INIT:
+            if (strcmp(localdev-&gt;name, XI_TABLET) == 0)
+                {
+                /****************************************************
+                 * This device reports proximity, has buttons,
+                 * reports two axes of motion, and can be focused.
+                 * It also supports the same feedbacks as the X pointer
+                 * (acceleration and threshold can be set).
+                 ****************************************************/
+                InitButtonClassDeviceStruct (dev, button_count, button_map);
+                InitValuatorClassDeviceStruct (dev, localdev-&gt;n_axes,);
+                    motionproc, MOTION_BUF_SIZE, Absolute);
+                for (i=0; i&lt;localdev-&gt;n_axes; i++)
+                    InitValuatorAxisStruct (dev, i, min_val, max_val, 
+                        resolution);
+                InitFocusClassDeviceStruct (dev);
+                InitProximityClassDeviceStruct (dev);
+                InitPtrFeedbackClassDeviceStruct (dev, p_controlproc);
+                }
+            else if (strcmp(localdev-&gt;name, XI_BUTTONBOX) == 0)
+                {
+                /****************************************************
+                 * This device has keys and LEDs, and can be focused.
+                 ****************************************************/
+                InitKeyClassDeviceStruct (dev, syms, modmap);
+                InitFocusClassDeviceStruct (dev);
+                InitLedFeedbackClassDeviceStruct (dev, ledcontrol);
+                }
+            else if (strcmp(localdev-&gt;name, XI_KNOBBOX) == 0)
+                {
+                /****************************************************
+                 * This device reports motion.
+                 * It can be focused.
+                 ****************************************************/
+                InitValuatorClassDeviceStruct (dev, localdev-&gt;n_axes,);
+                    motionproc, MOTION_BUF_SIZE, Absolute);
+                for (i=0; i&lt;localdev-&gt;n_axes; i++)
+                    InitValuatorAxisStruct (dev, i, min_val, max_val, 
+                        resolution);
+                InitFocusClassDeviceStruct (dev);
+                }
+            localdev-&gt;atom = 
+                MakeAtom(localdev-&gt;name, strlen(localdev-&gt;name), FALSE);
+            AssignTypeAndName (dev, localdev-&gt;atom, localdev-&gt;name);
+            break;
+        case DEVICE_ON:
+            AddEnabledDevice (localdev-&gt;file_ds);
+            dev-&gt;on = TRUE;
+            break;
+        case DEVICE_OFF:
+            dev-&gt;on = FALSE;
+            RemoveEnabledDevice (localdev-&gt;file_ds);
+            break;
+        case DEVICE_CLOSE:
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+<!-- .LP -->
+The device control routine is called with a mode value of DEVICE_ON
+by the DIX routine EnableDevice, which is called from InitAndStartDevices.  
+When called with this mode, it should call AddEnabledDevice to cause the 
+server to begin checking for available input from this device.
+<!-- .LP -->
+&gt;From InitAndStartDevices, EnableDevice is called for all devices that have
+the "inited" and "startup" fields in the DeviceIntRec set to TRUE.  The
+"inited" field is set by InitAndStartDevices to the value returned by
+the deviceproc when called with a mode value of DEVICE_INIT.  The "startup"
+field is set by AddInputDevice to value of the second parameter (autoStart).
+<!-- .LP -->
+When the server is first initialized, it should only be checking for input
+from the core X keyboard and pointer.  One way to accomplish this is to
+call AddInputDevice for the core X keyboard and pointer with an
+autoStart value equal to TRUE, while calling AddInputDevice for 
+input extension devices with an autoStart value equal to FALSE.  If this is 
+done, EnableDevice will skip all input extension devices during server
+initialization.  In this case,
+the OpenInputDevice routine should set the "startup" field to TRUE
+when called for input extension devices.  This will cause ProcXOpenInputDevice
+to call EnableDevice for those devices when a client first does an
+XOpenDevice request.
+<sect2 id="DIX_Input_Class_Initialization_Routines">
+<title>DIX Input Class Initialization Routines</title>
+<!-- .LP -->
+DIX routines are defined to initialize each of the defined input classes.
+The defined classes are:
+<!-- .RS -->
+<!-- .in +5n -->
+  <listitem>
+    <para>
+KeyClass - the device has keys.
+    </para>
+  </listitem>
+  <listitem>
+    <para>
+ButtonClass - the device has buttons.
+    </para>
+  </listitem>
+  <listitem>
+    <para>
+ValuatorClass - the device reports motion data or positional data.
+    </para>
+  </listitem>
+  <listitem>
+    <para>
+Proximitylass - the device reports proximity information.
+    </para>
+  </listitem>
+  <listitem>
+    <para>
+FocusClass - the device can be focused.
+    </para>
+  </listitem>
+  <listitem>
+    <para>
+FeedbackClass - the device supports some kind of feedback
+<!-- .in -5n -->
+<!-- .RE -->
+    </para>
+  </listitem>
+<!-- .LP -->
+DIX routines are provided to initialize the X pointer and keyboard, as in
+previous releases of X.  During X initialization, InitPointerDeviceStruct 
+is called to initialize the X pointer, and InitKeyboardDeviceStruct is
+called to initialize the X keyboard.  There is no
+corresponding routine for extension input devices, since they do not all
+support the same classes of input.  Instead, DDX is responsible for the 
+initialization of the input classes supported by extension devices.  
+A description of the routines provided by DIX to perform that initialization
+<sect3 id="InitKeyClassDeviceStruct">
+<!-- .LP -->
+This function is provided to allocate and initialize a KeyClassRec, and 
+should be called for extension devices that have keys.  It is passed a pointer
+to the device, and pointers to arrays of keysyms and modifiers reported by
+the device.  It returns FALSE if the KeyClassRec could not be allocated,
+or if the maps for the keysyms and and modifiers could not be allocated.
+Its parameters are:
+<!-- .LP -->
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+InitKeyClassDeviceStruct(dev, pKeySyms, pModifiers)
+    DeviceIntPtr dev;
+    KeySymsPtr pKeySyms;
+    CARD8 pModifiers[];
+<!-- .LP -->
+The DIX entry point InitKeyboardDeviceStruct calls this routine for the
+core X keyboard.  It must be called explicitly for extension devices
+that have keys.
+<sect3 id="InitButtonClassDeviceStruct">
+<!-- .LP -->
+This function is provided to allocate and initialize a ButtonClassRec, and 
+should be called for extension devices that have buttons.  It is passed a 
+pointer to the device, the number of buttons supported, and a map of the 
+reported button codes.  It returns FALSE if the ButtonClassRec could not be 
+allocated.  Its parameters are:
+<!-- .LP -->
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+InitButtonClassDeviceStruct(dev, numButtons, map)
+    register DeviceIntPtr dev;
+    int numButtons;
+    CARD8 *map;
+<!-- .LP -->
+The DIX entry point InitPointerDeviceStruct calls this routine for the
+core X pointer.  It must be called explicitly for extension devices that
+have buttons.
+<sect3 id="InitValuatorClassDeviceStruct">
+<!-- .LP -->
+This function is provided to allocate and initialize a ValuatorClassRec, and 
+should be called for extension devices that have valuators.  It is passed the
+number of axes of motion reported by the device, the address of the motion
+history procedure for the device, the size of the motion history buffer,
+and the mode (Absolute or Relative) of the device.  It returns FALSE if 
+the ValuatorClassRec could not be allocated.  Its parameters are:
+<!-- .LP -->
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+InitValuatorClassDeviceStruct(dev, numAxes, motionProc, numMotionEvents, mode)
+    DeviceIntPtr dev;
+    int (*motionProc)();
+    int numAxes;
+    int numMotionEvents;
+    int mode;
+<!-- .LP -->
+The DIX entry point InitPointerDeviceStruct calls this routine for the
+core X pointer.  It must be called explicitly for extension devices that
+report motion.
+<sect3 id="InitValuatorAxisStruct">
+<!-- .LP -->
+This function is provided to initialize an XAxisInfoRec, and 
+should be called for core and extension devices that have valuators.  
+The space for the XAxisInfoRec is allocated by 
+the InitValuatorClassDeviceStruct function, but is not initialized.
+<!-- .LP -->
+InitValuatorAxisStruct should be called once for each axis of motion 
+reported by the device.  Each
+invocation should be passed the axis number (starting with 0), the
+minimum value for that axis, the maximum value for that axis, and the
+resolution of the device in counts per meter.  If the device reports
+relative motion, 0 should be reported as the minimum and maximum values.
+InitValuatorAxisStruct has the following parameters:
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+InitValuatorAxisStruct(dev, axnum, minval, maxval, resolution)
+    DeviceIntPtr dev;
+    int axnum;
+    int minval;
+    int maxval;
+    int resolution;
+<!-- .LP -->
+This routine is not called by InitPointerDeviceStruct for the
+core X pointer.  It must be called explicitly for core and extension devices 
+that report motion.
+<sect3 id="InitFocusClassDeviceStruct">
+<!-- .LP -->
+This function is provided to allocate and initialize a FocusClassRec, and 
+should be called for extension devices that can be focused.  It is passed a
+pointer to the device, and returns FALSE if the allocation fails.
+It has the following parameter:
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+    DeviceIntPtr dev;
+<!-- .LP -->
+The DIX entry point InitKeyboardDeviceStruct calls this routine for the
+core X keyboard.  It must be called explicitly for extension devices
+that can be focused.  Whether or not a particular device can be focused
+is left implementation-dependent.
+<sect3 id="InitProximityClassDeviceStruct">
+<!-- .LP -->
+This function is provided to allocate and initialize a ProximityClassRec, and 
+should be called for extension absolute pointing devices that report proximity.
+It is passed a pointer to the device, and returns FALSE if the allocation 
+It has the following parameter:
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+    DeviceIntPtr dev;
+<sect3 id="Initializing_Feedbacks">
+<title>Initializing Feedbacks</title>
+<!-- .LP -->
+<sect4 id="InitKbdFeedbackClassDeviceStruct">
+<!-- .LP -->
+This function is provided to allocate and initialize a KbdFeedbackClassRec, 
+may be called for extension devices that support some or all of the 
+feedbacks that the core keyboard supports.  It is passed a
+pointer to the device, a pointer to the procedure that sounds the bell,
+and a pointer to the device control procedure.
+It returns FALSE if the allocation fails, and has the following parameters:
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+InitKbdFeedbackClassDeviceStruct(dev, bellProc, controlProc)
+    DeviceIntPtr dev;
+    void (*bellProc)();
+    void (*controlProc)();
+The DIX entry point InitKeyboardDeviceStruct calls this routine for the
+core X keyboard.  It must be called explicitly for extension devices
+that have the same feedbacks as a keyboard.  Some feedbacks, such as LEDs and
+bell, can be supported either with a KbdFeedbackClass or with BellFeedbackClass
+and LedFeedbackClass feedbacks.
+<sect4 id="InitPtrFeedbackClassDeviceStruct">
+<!-- .LP -->
+This function is provided to allocate and initialize a PtrFeedbackClassRec, 
+should be called for extension devices that allow the setting of acceleration
+and threshold.  It is passed a pointer to the device,
+and a pointer to the device control procedure.
+It returns FALSE if the allocation fails, and has the following parameters:
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+InitPtrFeedbackClassDeviceStruct(dev, controlProc)
+    DeviceIntPtr dev;
+    void (*controlProc)();
+<!-- .LP -->
+The DIX entry point InitPointerDeviceStruct calls this routine for the
+core X pointer.  It must be called explicitly for extension devices
+that support the setting of acceleration and threshold.
+<sect4 id="InitLedFeedbackClassDeviceStruct">
+<!-- .LP -->
+This function is provided to allocate and initialize a LedFeedbackClassRec, 
+should be called for extension devices that have LEDs.
+It is passed a pointer to the device,
+and a pointer to the device control procedure.
+It returns FALSE if the allocation fails, and has the following parameters:
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+InitLedFeedbackClassDeviceStruct(dev, controlProc)
+    DeviceIntPtr dev;
+    void (*controlProc)();
+<!-- .LP -->
+Up to 32 LEDs per feedback can be supported, and a device may have 
+multiple feedbacks of the same type.
+<sect4 id="InitBellFeedbackClassDeviceStruct">
+<!-- .LP -->
+This function is provided to allocate and initialize a BellFeedbackClassRec, 
+and should be called for extension devices that have a bell.
+It is passed a pointer to the device,
+and a pointer to the device control procedure.
+It returns FALSE if the allocation fails, and has the following parameters:
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+InitBellFeedbackClassDeviceStruct(dev, bellProc, controlProc)
+    DeviceIntPtr dev;
+    void (*bellProc)();
+    void (*controlProc)();
+<sect4 id="InitStringFeedbackClassDeviceStruct">
+<!-- .LP -->
+This function is provided to allocate and initialize a StringFeedbackClassRec, 
+and should be called for extension devices that have a display upon which a 
+string can be displayed.
+It is passed a pointer to the device,
+and a pointer to the device control procedure.
+It returns FALSE if the allocation fails, and has the following parameters:
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+InitStringFeedbackClassDeviceStruct(dev, controlProc, max_symbols, 
+       num_symbols_supported, symbols)
+    DeviceIntPtr dev;
+    void (*controlProc)();
+    int max_symbols:
+    int num_symbols_supported;
+    KeySym *symbols;
+<sect4 id="InitIntegerFeedbackClassDeviceStruct">
+<!-- .LP -->
+This function is provided to allocate and initialize an 
+and should be called for extension devices that have a display upon which an
+integer can be displayed.
+It is passed a pointer to the device,
+and a pointer to the device control procedure.
+It returns FALSE if the allocation fails, and has the following parameters:
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+InitIntegerFeedbackClassDeviceStruct(dev, controlProc)
+    DeviceIntPtr dev;
+    void (*controlProc)();
+<sect2 id="Initializing_The_Device_Name_And_Type">
+<title>Initializing The Device Name And Type</title>
+<!-- .LP -->
+The device name and type can be initialized by calling AssignTypeAndName
+with the following parameters:
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+AssignTypeAndName(dev, type, name)
+    DeviceIntPtr dev;
+    Atom type;
+    char *name;
+<!-- .LP -->
+This will allocate space for the device name and copy the name that was passed.
+The device type can be obtained by calling MakeAtom with one of the names
+defined for input devices.  MakeAtom has the following parameters:
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+MakeAtom(name, len, makeit)
+    char *name;
+    int len;
+    Bool makeit;
+<!-- .LP -->
+Since the atom was already made when the input extension was initialized, the
+value of makeit should be FALSE;
+<sect1 id="Closing_Extension_Devices">
+<title>Closing Extension Devices</title>
+<!-- .LP -->
+The DisableDevice entry point is provided by DIX to disable input devices.
+It calls the device control routine for the specified
+device with a mode value of DEVICE_OFF.  The device control routine should
+call RemoveEnabledDevice to stop the server from checking for input from
+that device.
+<!-- .LP -->
+DisableDevice is not called by any input extension routines.  It can be 
+called from the CloseInputDevice routine, which is called by
+ProcXCloseDevice when a client makes an XCloseDevice request.  If
+DisableDevice is called, it should only be called when the last client
+using the extension device has terminated or called XCloseDevice.
+<sect1 id="Implementation_Dependent_Routines">
+<title>Implementation-Dependent Routines</title>
+<!-- .LP -->
+Several input extension protocol requests have 
+implementation-dependent  entry points.  Default routines
+are defined for these entry points and contained in the source
+file extensions/server/xinput/xstubs.c.  Some implementations may
+be able to use the default routines without change.
+The following sections describe each of these routines.
+<sect2 id="AddOtherInputDevices">
+<!-- .LP -->
+AddOtherInputDevice is called from ProcXListInputDevices as a result of 
+an XListInputDevices protocol request.  It may be needed by
+implementations that do not open extension input devices until requested
+to do so by some client.  These implementations may not initialize
+all devices when the X server starts up, because some of those devices
+may be in use.  Since the XListInputDevices
+function only lists those devices that have been initialized,
+AddOtherInputDevices is called to give DDX a chance to 
+initialize any previously unavailable input devices.
+<!-- .LP -->
+A sample AddOtherInputDevices routine might look like the following:
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+AddOtherInputDevices ()
+    {
+    DeviceIntPtr dev;
+    int i;
+    for (i=0; i&lt;MAX_DEVICES; i++) 
+        {
+        if (!local_dev[i].initialized &amp;&amp; available(local_dev[i]))
+            {
+            dev = (DeviceIntPtr) AddInputDevice (local_dev[i].deviceProc, 
+            dev-&gt;public.devicePrivate = local_dev[i];
+            RegisterOtherDevice (dev);
+            dev-&gt;inited = ((*dev-&gt;deviceProc)(dev, DEVICE_INIT) == 
+            }
+        }
+    }
+<!-- .LP -->
+The default AddOtherInputDevices routine in xstubs.c does nothing.
+If all input extension devices are initialized when the server 
+starts up, it can be left as a null routine.
+<sect2 id="OpenInputDevice">
+<!-- .LP -->
+Some X server implementations open all input devices when the server
+is initialized and never close them.  Other implementations may open only
+the X pointer and keyboard devices during server initialization,
+and open other input devices only when some client makes an
+XOpenDevice request.  This entry point is for the latter type of 
+<!-- .LP -->
+If the physical device is not already open, it can be done in this routine.  
+In this case, the server must keep track of the fact that one or more clients 
+have the device open, and physically close it when the last client that has
+it open makes an XCloseDevice request.
+<!-- .LP -->
+The default implementation is to do nothing (assume all input devices
+are opened during X server initialization and kept open).
+<sect2 id="CloseInputDevice">
+<!-- .LP -->
+Some implementations may close an input device when the last client
+using that device requests that it be closed, or terminates.
+CloseInputDevice is called from ProcXCloseDevice when a client
+makes an XCloseDevice protocol request.
+<!-- .LP -->
+The default implementation is to do nothing (assume all input devices
+are opened during X server initialization and kept open).
+<sect2 id="SetDeviceMode">
+<!-- .LP -->
+Some implementations support input devices that can report 
+either absolute positional data or relative motion.  The XSetDeviceMode
+protocol request is provided to allow DDX to change the current mode of 
+such a device.
+<!-- .LP -->
+The default implementation is to always return a BadMatch error.  If the
+implementation does not support any input devices that are capable of 
+reporting both relative motion and absolute position information, the
+default implementation may be left unchanged.
+<sect2 id="SetDeviceValuators">
+<!-- .LP -->
+Some implementations support input devices that allow their valuators to be 
+set to an initial value.  The XSetDeviceValuators 
+protocol request is provided to allow DDX to set the valuators of
+such a device.
+<!-- .LP -->
+The default implementation is to always return a BadMatch error.  If the
+implementation does not support any input devices that are allow their
+valuators to be set, the default implementation may be left unchanged.
+<sect2 id="ChangePointerDevice">
+<!-- .LP -->
+The XChangePointerDevice protocol request is provided to change which device is
+used as the X pointer.  Some implementations may maintain information
+specific to the X pointer in the private data structure pointed to by
+the DeviceIntRec.  ChangePointerDevice is called to allow such 
+implementations to move that information to the new pointer device.
+The current location of the X cursor is an example of the type of 
+information that might be affected.
+<!-- .LP -->
+The DeviceIntRec structure that describes the X pointer device does not 
+contain a FocusRec.  If the device that has been made into the new X pointer 
+was previously a device that could be focused, ProcXChangePointerDevice will 
+free the FocusRec associated with that device.
+<!-- .LP -->
+If the server implementation desires to allow clients to focus the old pointer 
+device (which is now accessible through the input extension), it should call
+InitFocusClassDeviceStruct for the old pointer device.
+<!-- .LP -->
+The XChangePointerDevice protocol request also allows the client
+to choose which axes of the new pointer device are used to move 
+the X cursor in the X- and Y- directions.  If the axes are different
+than the default ones, the server implementation should record that fact.
+<!-- .LP -->
+If the server implementation supports input devices with valuators that 
+are not allowed to be used as the X pointer, they should be screened out
+by this routine and a  BadDevice error returned.
+<!-- .LP -->
+The default implementation is to do nothing. 
+<sect2 id="ChangeKeyboardDevice">
+<!-- .LP -->
+The XChangeKeyboardDevice protocol request is provided to change which device 
+used as the X keyboard.  Some implementations may maintain information
+specific to the X keyboard in the private data structure pointed to by
+the DeviceIntRec.  ChangeKeyboardDevice is called to allow such 
+implementations to move that information to the new keyboard device.
+<!-- .LP -->
+The X keyboard device can be focused, and the DeviceIntRec that describes
+that device has a FocusRec.  If the device that has been made into the new X 
+keyboard did not previously have a FocusRec, 
+ProcXChangeKeyboardDevice will allocate one for it.
+<!-- .LP -->
+If the implementation does not want clients to be able to focus the old X 
+keyboard (which has now become available as an input extension device)
+it should call DeleteFocusClassDeviceStruct to free the FocusRec.
+<!-- .LP -->
+If the implementation supports input devices with keys that are not allowed
+to be used as the X keyboard, they should be checked for here, and a
+BadDevice error returned.
+<!-- .LP -->
+The default implementation is to do nothing. 
+<sect1 id="Input_Extension_Events">
+<title>Input Extension Events</title>
+<!-- .LP -->
+Events accessed through the input extension are analogous to the core input
+events, but have different event types.  They are of types 
+<function>DeviceKeyPress</function>, <function>DeviceKeyRelease</function>, 
<function>DeviceProximityOut</function>, and 
+These event types are not constants.  Instead, they are external integers 
+defined by the input extension.  Their actual values will depend on which
+extensions are supported by a server, and the order in which they are
+<!-- .LP -->
+The data structures that define these
+events are defined in the file 
<function>extensions/include/XIproto.h</function>.  Other
+input extension constants needed by DDX are defined in the file
+<!-- .LP -->
+Some events defined by the input extension contain more information than can
+be contained in the 32-byte xEvent data structure.  To send this information
+to clients, DDX must generate two or more 32-byte wire events.  The following
+sections describe the contents of these events. 
+<sect2 id="Device_Key_Events">
+<title>Device Key Events</title>
+<!-- .LP -->
+<function>DeviceKeyPresss</function> events contain all the information that 
is contained in
+a core <function>KeyPress</function> event, and also the following additional 
+<!-- .LP -->
+<!-- .RS -->
+<!-- .in +5n -->
+  <listitem>
+    <para>
+deviceid - the identifier of the device that generated the event.
+    </para>
+  </listitem>
+  <listitem>
+    <para>
+device_state - the state of any modifiers on the device that generated the 
+    </para>
+  </listitem>
+  <listitem>
+    <para>
+num_valuators - the number of valuators reported in this event.
+    </para>
+  </listitem>
+  <listitem>
+    <para>
+first_valuator - the first valuator reported in this event.
+    </para>
+  </listitem>
+  <listitem>
+    <para>
+valuator0 through valuator5 - the values of the valuators.
+<!-- .in -5n -->
+<!-- .RE -->
+    </para>
+  </listitem>
+<!-- .LP -->
+In order to pass this information to the input extension library, two 32-byte
+wire events must be generated by DDX.  The first has an event type of 
+<function>DeviceKeyPress</function>, and the second has an event type of 
+<!-- .LP -->
+The following code fragment shows how the two wire events could be initialized:
+<!-- .LP -->
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+    extern int DeviceKeyPress;
+    DeviceIntPtr dev;
+    xEvent xE[2];
+    CARD8 id, num_valuators;
+    INT16 x, y, pointerx, pointery;
+    Time timestamp;
+    deviceKeyButtonPointer *xev = (deviceKeyButtonPointer *) xE;
+    deviceValuator *xv;
+    xev-&gt;type = DeviceKeyPress;                /* defined by input 
extension */
+    xev-&gt;detail = keycode;              /* key pressed on this device */
+    xev-&gt;time = timestamp;              /* same as for core events    */
+    xev-&gt;rootX = pointerx;              /* x location of core pointer */
+    xev-&gt;rootY = pointery;              /* y location of core pointer */
+    /******************************************************************/
+    /*                                                                */
+    /* The following field does not exist for core input events.      */
+    /* It contains the device id for the device that generated the    */
+    /* event, and also indicates whether more than one 32-byte wire   */
+    /* event is being sent.                                           */
+    /*                                                                */
+    /******************************************************************/
+    xev-&gt;deviceid = dev-&gt;id | MORE_EVENTS;        /* sending more than 
+    /******************************************************************/
+    /* Fields in the second 32-byte wire event:                       */
+    /******************************************************************/
+    xv = (deviceValuator *) ++xev;
+    xv-&gt;type = DeviceValuator;          /* event type of second event */
+    xv-&gt;deviceid = dev-&gt;id;             /* id of this device          */
+    xv-&gt;num_valuators = 0;              /* no valuators being sent    */
+    xv-&gt;device_state  = 0;              /* will be filled in by DIX   */
+<sect2 id="Device_Button_Events">
+<title>Device Button Events</title>
+<!-- .LP -->
+<function>DeviceButton</function> events contain all the information that is 
contained in
+a core button event, and also the same additional information that a 
+<function>DeviceKey</function> event contains.
+<sect2 id="Device_Motion_Events">
+<title>Device Motion Events</title>
+<!-- .LP -->
+<function>DeviceMotion</function> events contain all the information that is 
contained in
+a core motion event, and also additional valuator information.  At least
+two wire events are required to contain this information.
+The following code fragment shows how the two wire events could be initialized:
+<!-- .LP -->
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+    extern int DeviceMotionNotify;
+    DeviceIntPtr dev;
+    xEvent xE[2];
+    CARD8 id, num_valuators;
+    INT16 x, y, pointerx, pointery;
+    Time timestamp;
+    deviceKeyButtonPointer *xev = (deviceKeyButtonPointer *) xE;
+    deviceValuator *xv;
+    xev-&gt;type = DeviceMotionNotify;     /* defined by input extension */
+    xev-&gt;detail = keycode;              /* key pressed on this device */
+    xev-&gt;time = timestamp;              /* same as for core events    */
+    xev-&gt;rootX = pointerx;              /* x location of core pointer */
+    xev-&gt;rootY = pointery;              /* y location of core pointer */
+    /******************************************************************/
+    /*                                                                */
+    /* The following field does not exist for core input events.      */
+    /* It contains the device id for the device that generated the    */
+    /* event, and also indicates whether more than one 32-byte wire   */
+    /* event is being sent.                                           */
+    /*                                                                */
+    /******************************************************************/
+    xev-&gt;deviceid = dev-&gt;id | MORE_EVENTS;        /* sending more than 
+    /******************************************************************/
+    /* Fields in the second 32-byte wire event:                       */
+    /******************************************************************/
+    xv = (deviceValuator *) ++xev;
+    xv-&gt;type = DeviceValuator;          /* event type of second event */
+    xv-&gt;deviceid = dev-&gt;id;             /* id of this device          */
+    xv-&gt;num_valuators = 2;              /* 2 valuators being sent     */
+    xv-&gt;first_valuator = 0;             /* first valuator being sent  */
+    xv-&gt;device_state  = 0;              /* will be filled in by DIX   */
+    xv-&gt;valuator0 = x;                  /* first axis of this device  */
+    xv-&gt;valuator1 = y;                  /* second axis of this device */
+<!-- .LP -->
+Up to six axes can be reported in the deviceValuator event.  If the device
+is reporting more than 6 axes, additional pairs of DeviceMotionNotify and
+DeviceValuator events should be sent,  with the first_valuator field
+set correctly.
+<sect2 id="Device_Proximity_Events">
+<title>Device Proximity Events</title>
+<!-- .LP -->
+Some input devices that report absolute positional information, such as 
+graphics tablets and touchscreens, may report proximity events.  
+events are generated when a pointing device like a stylus, or in the case
+of a touchscreen, the user's finger, comes into close proximity with the
+surface of the input device.  <function>ProximityOut</function> events are 
generated when
+the stylus or finger leaves the proximity of the input devices surface.
+<!-- .LP -->
+<function>Proximity</function> events contain almost the same information as 
button events.
+The event type is <function>ProximityIn</function> or 
<function>ProximityOut</function>, and there is no
+detail information.
+<!-- .bp -->
+<!-- .\" .TC -->

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