On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 10:38:44PM -0700, Dan Nicholson wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 26, 2011 at 7:52 PM, Jeremy Huddleston <jerem...@apple.com> wrote:
> > Reviving this thread...
> >
> > I like this idea, but I think we need the logic to be the other way around. 
> >  We need to have a mechanism to say that a given module only works on a set 
> > of architectures, and skip it if the build arch isn't in that set.
> >
> > ie (forgive my python as it's not my native tongue, but I think this gets 
> > the point across ;>):
> >
> > _arch_specific = {
> >  'xf86-video-geode': ['i686'], # Intel only
> > }
> >
> > for module, archs in _arch_specific:
> >    if ! archs.contains(_current_arch):
> >        skip.extend(module)
> Oh, that's a nice way to keep the dictionary, but I think you'd still
> run into the issue where there are multiple platforms to match. In
> this instance, the arch could be i386, i486, etc. I don't know if a
> dictionary works well for that. As stated elsewhere in this thread, I
> think the most straightforward would just be a series of conditionals.
> This is what I'm using right now:
> import platform
> import re
> _machine = platform.machine()
> if not re.match("i.86", _machine):
>        skip.append("xf86-video-geode")

Such a list can be configured and assembled with this code:

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