On 12-01-05 09:17 AM, Colin Walters wrote:
> Hi Gaetan,
> On Wed, 2012-01-04 at 19:48 -0500, Gaetan Nadon wrote:
>> No objections in principle, the doc is convincing.
>> We are talking about 240 modules here. A sizable piece of work.
> Thanks; any suggestions on how to proceed?  I don't have commit
> privileges to the xorg repositories (and no need to get them for such a
> trivial patch), should I go through individual maintainers or should
> someone Just Do It?
> One thing we might want to consider before we change all 240 modules is
> instead changing xorg-macros to install its autogen.sh as
> $prefix/bin/xorg-autogen.sh or something, then all of the xorg autogen
> scripts can just be:
> #!/bin/sh
> exec xorg-autogen.sh "$@"
> This is effectively what we do with gnome-common, except some random
> modules still have hand-written ones.  Consistency - not yet our strong
> point =/

Seems like a brilliant idea. We can then make changes to xorg-autogen.sh
in the future without having to commit 240 patches. I'd be willing to
change all the xorg modules. There is an assumption that all modules
will be configured with the same BINDIR value, or that at least
xorg-autogen.sh in on the PATH. Looks reasonable.

Could you create the patch for the util-macros package? Making sure it
works on a Bourne shell for all *BSD, MAC and Solaris OS. It will get
reviewed on the list and I'll give a good run. If all goes well, a new
version of xorg-macros will be published.

Note that I will also have to update configure.ac in each module to
mandate the latest version of xorg-macros (as usual):

The list of modules I'll cover can be obtained by running
util/modular/build.sh -L. Check to see if other xorg modules would be on
your build list but not on mine.

At this time the xserver is in a code freeze for the 1.12 version, so it
may be delayed a few weeks.

I would use the xserver autogen.sh as reference as it has --force option
which I intended to add to all modules. The only benefit I could find to
this option is when you upgrade the level of autoconf or automake, the
generated files are re-created so you don't end up with modules having
different levels of configuration. We have so many modules. If you have
an opinion on that, I'd be happy to hear about it.

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