The major change in this round is to patch 8. Instead of instructing users to
include an automake snippet installed on the system, the README now says to copy
the snippet into the project. The snippet needs to be available before
autoreconf is run. It would be possible to copy the snippet into place in, but that would be a very non-standard solution to the problem and
would require the user to have xorg-gtest installed.

The xorg-gtest.m4 macro now sets BASE_CXXFLAGS and STRICT_CXXFLAGS properly.

The other change is the addition of patch 9. It allows for the Xorg binary to be
set through a compilation flag. This should make it possible to use xorg-gtest's
main() with an Xorg server built in the xserver project.

All XORG_MACROS_VERSION calls have been updated to require 1.17 for

-- Chase
_______________________________________________ X.Org development

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