
I have a quad monitor setup connected to 2 ati videocards. It sucks.
Everything is flickering and this leads to lots of FrUUUUUUUUUstration.

I know there's no solution for this problem atm. From what I've seen in
dbe.c it doesn't initialize if Xinerama is enabled.
I've tried to comment out those 2 lines (yes, thats stupid, but I wanted to
see what'll happen) but that didn't help and error message was about bad

I'm not a Xorg developer and don't have any previous experience with it,
but I would like to try to implement DBE support for Xinerama.
What should I read and where should I start? Or even better: what should I
implement or modify in current dbe.c to make it work with Xinerama?

Thank you.
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