Giuseppe Bilotta <> writes:

> Wonderful endeavor.


> I guess the only way in which this can fail is if a client tries to
> draw its own decorations (or something) “outside” of their own window,
> assuming that origin+width or origin+height actually brings them there
> in the root context (I mean as opposed to using XTranslateCoords,
> which can be handled from within the server).

They won't be able to draw 'outside' of their window -- all drawing to
the window is redirected to the composite pixmap and clipped to the
owner size. For applications with a border, the border also gets drawn
to the composite pixmap and then scaled to the current size, although
the border width is the same, so a tiled border may not look right.

> This sounds like an excellent solution to improve Hi- and most
> importantly mixed-DPI setups. I'm a bit swamped for the next month,
> but after that I can at the very least help test and debug the code,
> since I have multiple such setups. One thing that would definitely be
> useful for the mixed DPI case is some way to more or less
> automatically change the scaling factor based on window location (or
> at least Monitor it belongs to), at least in the case where the X
> server itself is doing the compositing.

Cool. As with any similar change, getting the details right is the hard
part, and that means experimenting in many environments.


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