
Pango has just dropped its support for bitmap fonts.  As it uses
Harfbuzz, it can still use Harfbuzz's support for OpenType's bitmap
format.  https://fontforge.github.io/bitmaponlysfnt.html#X11

This Pango change has caused some grief, e.g. terminal emulators
displaying boxes instead of the user's font, gimp unable to paint bitmap
fonts, etc.  https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/pango/issues/386

Is there any chance X.org can ship their super collection of fonts as
OpenType bitmaps as well?  I understand it's a mechanical conversion.
That would allow distro packagers to make them readily available to
users alongside the existing BDFs, etc., so they can continue to use
their decade-old favourites.

Fonts aren't my speciality, nor Pango, so apologies if I've grasped the
stick wrong.  Pango 1.44 is when this change will hit most users.
As I run Arch Linux, I've already met it!

Cheers, Ralph.
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