On Sun, Jun 12, 2022 at 05:57:05PM -0700, Jeremy Sequoia wrote:
> Hey folks,
> I was going to spend a little bit of time putting out an update to XQuartz
> to address a few bugs that I've been meaning to squash, but I'm having a bit
> of an issue pulling down sources.
> Fetching via ssh://g...@gitlab.freedesktop.org is giving me Permission denied
> (publickey,keyboard-interactive).  I'm not sure if the latter is an infra
> issue or if the ssh key I have stored in my gitlab account are out of date
> (it's been about a year since I touched this).  Unfortunately, I can't seem
> to access https://gitlab.freedesktop.org to check as it's constantly
> presenting me a 504 Gateway timeout.
> Is anyone else able to pull sources via ssh://g...@gitlab.freedesktop.org
> right now?  Is someone looking into the 504 issue?

not an fdo admin but judging by the chatter on #freedesktop: no and yes, in
that order. seems like the infrastructure is in various stages of depositing
fecal matter on itself and the fixes are involved enough that the admins have
to be mentally awake, not merely physically.


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