On Wed, Aug 03, 2022 at 04:33:38PM -0700, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
> In my recent mails on CI & xz archives, there were a set of projects which
> traditionally weren't part of our Xorg releases, but which I think got moved
> in during the gitlab migration for lack of a better place to put them (which
> is fine).
> But since we've never released them, and it doesn't look like anyone else
> really cares about them either, is it time to just archive them on gitlab?
> app/fdclock                - appears abandoned, no commits since 2007
> app/mdm                    - appears abandoned, no commits since 2008
> app/xresponse              - appears abandoned, no commits since 2007
> app/xshowdamage            - appears abandoned, no commits since 2006
> lib/libXrandrUtils         - appears abandoned, no commits since 2012
> util/install-check         - appears abandoned, no commits since 2007
> Does anyone still use these or ship them in a distro or packaging
> system?

None of those are  in OpenBSD...

> Most importantly, does anyone want to maintain them?

Matthieu Herrb

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