No, just MAXCLIENTS. Probably vkcube (or the driver it's using) should fail
more robustly when it can't connect to the display, instead of letting you
render without presenting though.

On Fri, May 5, 2023 at 5:28 PM Anuj Phogat <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I've been trying to run the maximum number of instances of vkcube (Vulkan
> application)
> in Ubuntu 22.04. I'm hitting one of these X errors when I get past ~256
> instances:
> - "Maximum number of clients reached"
> - "_XSERVTransSocketUNIXAccept: accept() failed"
> I was able to get past these errors by adding below code in xorg conf file
> passed to Xorg
> using '-config' option:
> Section "ServerFlags"
>     Option "MaxClients" "512"
> EndSection
> Now I'm not seeing X errors about the limit but X windows past the 256
> limit don't render
> anything. Do I need to adjust any other limits (other than MAXCLIENTS) to
> make instances
> past 256 limit render as expected ? I would appreciate any pointers to
> help me debug and
> resolve this issue.
> Adding Adam and Olivier in Cc as I noticed a few old patches from them
> around changing
> Thanks
> Anuj

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