Moving this thread from the xorg list to the ATI driver list.

Please remove the xorg list from CC on replies.

also sprach Michel Dänzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008.02.19.2007 +0100]:
> > Yes, using XAA fixes this. Thanks, Michel. Do you know of a good
> > piece of documentation to read to understand this?
> The problem is that EXA is falling back to software rendering for the
> root window because its size exceeds the coordinate limits advertised by
> the driver (the 3D engine used for RENDER acceleration is limited to
> 2048 in each dimension).
> If you're interested in testing patches, it should be possible to handle
> this more cleverly in the driver - the 2D engine used for window moves
> can handle up to 8192 in each dimension. We should probably move this to
> the xorg-driver-ati list for that purpose though.

I am interested in testing patches if it helps you guys. I already
have X set up with the ATI driver compiled from source from Git, so
I am ready to go if you tell me which patches to try.

martin | |
weapon, n.:
  an index of the lack of development of a culture.
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