Andres Cimmarusti wrote:
> Yes, version 6.12.3 has been in Debian for a while, but there is a
> version 6.12.4 already. More over, while the Ubuntu bug was initially
> related to version 6.12.2, the problem remains even in the git version
> they now have in Ubuntu 9.10:
> . As
> you can see the version they are working with is
> 6.12.99+git20090929.7968e1fb-0ubuntu1. I'm using the oldest Debian
> release because I don't want my functionality hindered, I posted this
> bug as a warning for future releases. If it is absolutely necessary we
> test this with Debian, then I will upgrade to Squeeze, but I was kind
> of hoping the Ubuntu problems would be enough to take action.

Take action for what? There's nothing specific to do in Debian. Just
work with upstream to get this fixed, and the fix will come in Debian.


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