
currently is seems to be impossible to get hardware acccelerated video
decoding with open source drivers (except broadcom bcm700xx) and all
google search results on this topic pointed to fglrx and xvba. I wonder
what the reason may be. Was the information needed to interface the
decoding unit not included in the documentation that AMD released last

KMS, Xvideo and even 3D is working really nice with current
xf86-video-ati and libdrm (from git). With my 3870 and 4350 2D works
much better with the open source drivers than with fglrx recently. A
working vaapi is the only thing missing.

I would like the radeon wiki page (http://www.x.org/wiki/radeon) and/or
the vaapi wiki page (http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/vaapi) to
have this topic included. I just dont have enough information to write
something useful.

Does anyone know more about this? I assume there are licensing problems
involved again.

Best regards

Marco Schinkel
xorg-driver-ati mailing list

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