I have also noticed this tearing. 2D Responsiveness can be
incredibly bad.

I found out sometime ago that it could be compositing that was messing
everything up. But I thought it was from the Desktop Environment point
of view, that is, for example, gnome's 2 metacity trying to put some
nice transitions when starting my computer (which sometimes worked,
but almost always didn't). I tried using the low resource option in
gconf, but that didn't help. So I switched to xfce 4.8 (Debian
testing). All desktop effects are off by default. And the problem

So finally after reading more stuff, I decided to disable composite
and aiglx in the xserver. I put a file:
/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/composite.conf with the following:

Section "Extensions"
       Option          "Composite" "Disable"

Section "ServerFlags"
       Option          "AIGLX" "off"

After booting up again, performance was instantly better. I would say
this is a better solution than giving up performance using Option
"EXAVSync" "True". Desktop is very responsive and videos playing without
tearing (both vlc and mplayer). Sadly the xorg log still shows aiglx
is enabled, even though the same log also acknowledges my
configuration file and disables it early on.

So far, performance has been good and no problems, but have I truly
disabled compositing? or is it still lurking around refusing to be shut


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