--- Comment #25 from Marius Bjørnstad <> 2012-05-11 05:04:28 PDT 
I also saw this problem when resuming after suspending the computer to RAM. I
have a Radeon 6770. It was cured again when I did another suspend /resume
cycle. It just appeared on one of the two screens (the smaller one), and the
problem persisted when restarting X .

[fa2k@blackhole ~]$ xrandr -q
Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 3200 x 1200, maximum 8192 x 8192           
HDMI-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
DVI-0 connected 1920x1200+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 519mm
x 324mm
   1920x1200      60.0*+
   1600x1200      60.0  
   1680x1050      60.0  
   1280x1024      60.0  
   1280x960       60.0  
   1024x768       60.0  
   800x600        60.3  
   640x480        60.0  
   720x400        70.1  
VGA-0 connected 1280x1024+1920+176 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
376mm x 301mm
   1280x1024      60.0*+   75.0  
   1152x864       75.0  
   1024x768       75.1     70.1     60.0  
   832x624        74.6  
   800x600        72.2     75.0     60.3     56.2  
   640x480        72.8     75.0     66.7     60.0  
   720x400        70.1

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