--- Comment #63 from Goulou <> 2012-06-04 14:49:42 UTC ---
Hi all, 

I'm adding my case to this bug, and hope that it will help you in fixing it. If
I'm wrong and my case is a separate bug, fill free to tell me so and I will
fill one.
I've seen similar "noisy" lines ever since I bought my card and used it with
the opensource driver (let's say it's been 1 and half year, sorry for not
filling a bug earlier...).
I just tested with kernel-3.5.0-0.rc1.git0.1.fc18.x86_64.rpm, taken from the
rawhide packages of Fedora, on a fully updated Fedora17 box. The bug is still
The system booted fine, but X started with the "standard" driver (i.e. no
acceleration). From the console, lsmod did not show any radeon module loaded. I
then manually loaded radeon.ko from the module directory, and the screen went
OFF (immediately).
I switched (Ctrl+Alt+F2) to another console, issued "systemctl isolate", then "systemctl isolate" in order to
reload X, and the picture became as in the following screenshot.
I could still go back to my console, where I saw that the kernel was printing
lots of backtrace. According to log timing, the backtrace is printed every 10
seconds, and I receives hundreds of time the same trace (see attachement).
Since I could still use the console, I safely removed the package with rpm, and

I'm attaching :
-screenshot of the bug
-/var/log/message, starting at the time of "insmod radeon.ko" (262s). You can
see what happen when I entered "systemctl isolate" and
"isolate", I think it was shortly afterward, and at 302s, see
the "GPU lockup CP stall for more than 10000msec")
Then, few seconds later, one of the very many backtrace dump...

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