On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 3:28 AM, Owen Riddy <owen.ri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have not, but if I reboot the computer to an install of Jessie using fglrx
> the tinge is not present; and it appeared shortly after updating to Jessie +
> unstable. I'll try a few things with the cable & report back if any of them
> have an impact, but the fglrx test suggests this problem is 100% fixable in
> software.

Is it only the HDMI display that is problematic?  It might be HDMI
packet related.  Does your display support audio?  You can disable
HDMI packets by setting radeon.audio=0 on the kernel command line in
grub or at runtime using xrandr (e.g., xrandr --output HDMI-0 --set
audio off).  If that helps, can you try kernel 4.1?


> Owen Riddy
> Email: owen.ri...@gmail.com
> Mobile: 040 163 2663
> --
> On 18 May 2015 at 12:56, Michel Dänzer <mic...@daenzer.net> wrote:
>> On 16.05.2015 21:21, Owen Riddy wrote:
>> > Package: xserver-xorg-video-ati
>> > Version: 1:7.5.0-1+b1
>> > Severity: important
>> >
>> > Dear Maintainer,
>> >
>> > I'm using the open source ati graphics with a 3-screen setup. After
>> > upgrading to unstable after the release of Jessie everything ran without
>> > issue.
>> >
>> > I booted into a seperate install of Jessie on the same computer that had
>> > flgrx installed, and after rebooting into unstable one of the screens
>> > (connected by a HDMI cable) has acquired a distinct green tinge that
>> > obscures whatever the screen is trying to show. It is a sort of neon green.
>> >
>> > This image is a graphical corruption bug - I took a screenshot using
>> > ksnapshot and on my other two screens the image dispaled withouth the green
>> > tinge.
>> >
>> > The tinge is not present:
>> >   * In the BIOS
>> >   * When GRUB is active
>> >   * Early in the boot process when the kernel is still printing text
>> >   * On a separate Debian install on the same hardware, using fglrx
>> >
>> > I tried changing the gamma settings of the screen and poking at the
>> > backlight settings but this did not help. Changing the gamma made a very
>> > slight difference but the tinge does nto seem to be caused by a rogue gamma
>> > setting.
>> >
>> > At some points during, eg, shutdown my screens go blank - usually this
>> > is black but at present the green tinged screen goes straight green.
>> It sounds like there might be a problem with the physical display
>> connection. Have you checked the connector seating at both ends, maybe
>> unplugging and re-plugging them, or even using a different cable?
>> --
>> Earthling Michel Dänzer               |               http://www.amd.com
>> Libre software enthusiast             |             Mesa and X developer
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