On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 07:48:57AM +0200, Simon Thum wrote:
>> If deletable is FALSE, the prop can only be deleted by the server/a driver,
>> and even then only if all handlers agree.
> That's a bit stricter than what I was looking for. If I want to delete a  
> prop in-server, I'd like be able to avoid asking handlers (as I was  
> before). Otherwise, I'm still forced to implement a delete handler for  
> the sole purpose of giving up the veto at some time. Essentially I need  
> a parallel channel to delete my own props. Boils down to dumping

In the default case (if you do not have a handler) the property will get
deleted. Only if you want to absolutely prohibit anyone from deleting the
prop, then you need a handler.

The reason for the decision is that if two handlers affect the same
property, one handler may be fine with the deletion, the other one not.

>> -    if (fromClient && device->properties.handlers)
>> +    if (device->properties.handlers)
> that part. And maybe rename fromClient to checkHandlers or deletable to  
> clientDeletable, whatever. IOW: If deletable is FALSE and fromClient is  
> TRUE, handlers have to agree.

agreed - clientDeletable is better. I'll amend the patch.

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