Hugo Vanwoerkom schrieb:
I run such a 2-seater under Debian Sid. 2 
cards/monitors/keyboards/mice/servers. But the recent xorg (1:7.3+10) gives an 
error message:


perhaps an update would help as the current xorg for sid is 1:7.3+17[1]. Furthermore I am running a multi seat environment with this server w/o problems using a PCI- and an AGP-card(*).

Bus types other than PCI not yet isolable
command=/usr/bin/X1 :0 -layout X1 -dpi 110 -deferglyphs 16 -isolateDevice 
\"PCI:1:0:0\" vt7
command=/usr/bin/X0 :1 -layout X0 -dpi 110 -deferglyphs 16 -isolateDevice 
\"PCI:0:8:0\" -sharevts

You are obviously referring to PCI devices so I cannot see a reason other then hard to find violation of syntax ;-) for the server to complain, but that is perhaps my problem :-)

For a test would you just drop the -isolateDevice statements from the *dm.conf lines and try the BusID statement in the respective "Device" sections of your xorg.conf? For instance something like

Section "Device"
        Identifier      "Foo"
        Driver          "somedriver"
        BusID           "PCI:1:0:0"

Section "Device"
        Identifier      "Bar"
        Driver          "someotherdriver"
        BusID           "PCI:0:8:0"

Have fun & good luck :-) Alexander.

(*)I am using a third, dummy X server to initialise all the stuff but I don't know whether this is really necessary.

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