On Sun, 2008-10-12 at 11:17 -0400, larry craig wrote:
> I have an IOgear extreme KVM switch that isn't passing along my EFID
> settings to xorg.  I know this isn't a problem with Xorg and isn't
> your problem.  But I need a solution, so here's what I'm thinking...
> When I plug my monitor in, all is right with the world, so how do I
> keep it that way.  In other words, how can I either turn of Xorg
> autodection of the monitor, or just freeze the configuration
> altogether.

If you write a monitor section in xorg.conf, we'll respect it.  If we
don't, it's a bug, and we want to know about it.

>   When I make changes to xorg.conf, they are reset at boot.

That really shouldn't happen.  X doesn't ever write back to the config
file [*], so this is likely to be something else in your OS mucking with

[*] - fglrx will, sometimes.  But it doesn't look like you're running

- ajax

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