Hi Maarten,

> Bilinear and nearest are standard texture unit properties, this should
> pose no difficulty for drivers.
Good to know, thanks. I was a bit concerned when mixing both with src and mask.

> As far as the mask goes, nearest
> should guarantee a sharp border. I'd expect things to go ok with the
> size if you keep in mind it's fixed point transformation, but i'm not
> a 100% sure.
Well, it seems to work perfectly with pixman, I don't see any problems
over a very large scale range.
However, when using the intel-driver I soon seem to hit precision
limits, it works only in a very limited scale range.
I also thought that I maybe could use the fact that clip-rects are
transformed when set on source (to not having to fillRect the mask all
then time), but this doesn't work with any driver I tried (nouveau,
intel, nvidia binary).
Seems I have to go the fillRect route and tile of the mask is too small :-/

Thanks again, Clemens
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