Hi All

I re-updated the patch, which handle all detailed timing operation, including 
EDID and EDID ext.
Currently it only implemented CEA extension,but the unified interface can 
other extension detailed timing operations such as VTB, DI, LS ... .  

[PATCH 1/6] Includes some new structures and defined MACRO in edid.h.
[PATCH 2/6] implement unified interface and detailed timing operation in 
[PATCH 3/6] handle detailed timing operation in xf86EdidModes.c
[PATCH 4/6] handle detailed timing operation in xf86Crtc.c
[PATCH 5/6] handle detailed timing operation in xf86Configure.c
[PATCH 6/6] handle detailed timing operation in print_edid.c

Any comments are welcome !

Ma Ling 

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