On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 2:20 PM, Peter Harris
> Ashi Krishnan wrote:
>> This is fine if (1)
>> the app creates only one window, and (2) is quite cooperative with
>> respect to where it draws that window -- like, say, the xscreensaver
>> hacks.
> Maybe I'm dense, but I'm not seeing how that's a problem. Since you're
> acting as the window manager (you are 'managing' that window), you can
> manage all the windows of the application. You can decorate and compose
> them however you see fit.

But I want to manage all the windows of that application and *only*
the windows of that application. And, as far as I'm aware, there's no
reliable way of figuring out the pid of the process that owns a given
window. Does _NET_WM_PID work reliably enough to be useful?

Writing a fusion plugin is a great idea, and I'll look into it, but I
don't think it solves that problem.

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