Hello everyone,
As I own a new laptop powered by a intel chipset (GM45 or something like
that :p, comes with a centrino 2), I decided to build the whole X stack
when I found this tutorial.
But when I wanted to do the different insmod as described in the
'Running your new stack' section, I found out that the i915.ko was not
build (no i915.ko in drm/linux-core), so my questions are.
Is it the right module for my hardware ?
If it is, then what am I missing here ?
Is it when I decided to build xserver like that: (don't know exactly
what I am doing here)
  ./autogen.sh --prefix=/opt/gfx-test --enable-builtin-fonts
--with-mesa-source --with-xkb-path=/usr/share/X11/xkb
I need the xkb flag as I use a swiss keyboard, builtin-fonts because it
seems to be recommended, and with-mesa-source because it was mentionned
that it can be of some use (hmm honestly there I'm lost ).
I actually run a 2.6.27 kernel, which doesn't support kms, is it an
issue,with the standard makefile in the git repos ?

I'm pretty new when it comes to building linux stuff from source
(espacially such big projects like that), so if you want to flame me for
bugging you, feel free to tell me that I'am just too curious ;-) .

Thanks for reading
Lucas Charles

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