>> If you read the old thread, you will discover that I got a working
>> modeline using powerstrip under windows. I didn't know about
>> cvt -v -r 1680 1050
>> which I discovered reading your link: I tried it and it gives me a
>> different modeline with respect to the one I found. Namely, mine is
>> Modeline "1680x1050" 147.600 1680 1784 1968 2256 1050 1051 1054 1087 -hsync 
>> +vsync
>> whereas cvt gives
>> Modeline "1680x1050R"  119.00  1680 1728 1760 1840  1050 1053 1059 1080 
>> +hsync -vsync
>> I will give it a try: maybe this will fix the crash...!
> I doubt that it will help with the crash, because the graphics card
> should not know if the monitor cannot display the image. But who knows.

I made some tests and the result is that, at least, it looks more stable, 
which is an improvement... ;-)
To be sure, I need more time since the crash I experience is not 
deterministic: sometime it happens at boot time, just when gdm starts, 
sometimes it happens when changing user, sometime it doesn't happen at 

> Anyway, if it does not work, you should definitely file a bug report.
> Only then my problem was dealt with by the intel engineer. And I do not
> know if such problems need to be send to a specific intel list to get
> help.

I will think about that, but it is diffucult to describe it since the 
resolution works fine, once manually defined, whereas the crashes, as I 
said, are quite randoms.

There is also another issue: as I wrote in a previous mail, the intel 
device is not autorecognized by knoppix. This fact is quite strange.
May I ask you which device is yours?
Mine is a G43, on integrate on the mother board  Asus P5QL-EM.
In case, can you try to boot knoppix? If you also experience the same 
problem, maybe this also could be signaled as a bug.



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