On Thu, 2009-03-26 at 16:15 +1100, Daniel Kasak wrote:
> So anyway, I'm running ecomorph ( compiz port for E17 ), and most of the
> effects are very slow and jumpy.
> I did a quick sysprof test while switching desktops, and it looks like
> it's all in memcpy:
> miClearToBackground                                         0.00  77.45
>   miPaintWindow                                             0.00  77.45
>     ValidateGC                                              0.00  77.45
>       In file /usr/bin/Xorg                                 0.00  77.45
>         In file /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libexa.so             0.00  77.45
>           exaPrepareAccessGC                                0.00  77.45
>             exaPrepareAccess                                0.00  77.45
>               exaPrepareAccessReg                           0.00  77.45
>                 exaDoMigration                              0.00  77.45
>                   In file /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libexa.so   0.00  77.45
>                     memcpy                                 77.45  77.45

Unfortunately the EXA module is missing debugging symbols, so it isn't
entirely clear what's going on. Would be interesting to see a new
profile with that fixed.

It might also be worth trying EXA from the xserver Git master branch.
exaValidateGC has been reworked quite a bit, and there's a chance your
use case could have improved.

Earthling Michel Dänzer           |                http://www.vmware.com
Libre software enthusiast         |          Debian, X and DRI developer
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