On Tue, 23 Jun 2009, Timothy S. Nelson wrote:

>       Who's in charge of that?  It doesn't seem to be xkeyboard-config; is
> it xorg?  I ask because we now have a keyboard map for the APL programming
> language, and it will need its own special compose sequences for the Unicode
> APL symbols.

        Nevermind, and sorry to have bothered everyone -- I found that I asked 
this question on IRC some time ago.  For the mailing list archive, it went 
like this:

[20:25] <wayland76> Who's responsible for the xorg locale files?
[20:25] <wayland76> eg. /usr/share/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose on my Fedora 
[20:27] <wayland76> ie. is it the xorg people, or xkeyboard-config, or someone 
[20:29] <jcristau> wayland76: xorg
[20:30] <wayland76> ok, thanks
[20:31] <jcristau> (it's the 'Lib/Xlib (data)' component in bugzilla)
[20:31] <wayland76> Is it possible to make those files go "include <otherfile>" 
[20:31] <wayland76> ok, thanks,
[20:32] <wayland76> Or rather, let me ask a more general question -- If I want
  to add combinations that do other symbols, is there a way to do that other
  than editing the locale Compose file?
[20:34] <jcristau> include "otherfile" works, yes
[20:34] <jcristau> and for local changes you can edit ~/.XCompose
[20:36] <jcristau> ('include "%L"' in ~/.XCompose will give you the standards
  combinations, and then you can add yours)
[20:36] <jcristau> standard, even

        Sorry again...

| Name: Tim Nelson                 | Because the Creator is,        |
| E-mail: wayl...@wayland.id.au    | I am                           |

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