On Tue, 2009-09-01 at 17:24 -0500, Neil Smith wrote:
> CentOS 5.3 on dual-boot Apple Aluminum iMac with ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT  
> card.
> If I specify in /etc/X11/xorg.conf a screen0 with depth 8, X11 can't  
> start up, giving error of 'invalid depth = -1'.
> First off, is this video capable of 8 bit pseudocolor in the X11  
> shipped with CentOS 5.3 distro?
> I don't know what the specs are for this monitor ... like horz and  
> vert refresh ranges, if that even matters in this situation. Does  
> anyone have an example xorg.conf, or the relevant sections, to get  
> pseudocolor on an Alu iMac?
> Thanks,
> -Neil

We don't test/use pseudocolor much, i don't even know if it's supposed
to work. Why do you want pseudocolor ? You should really stick with
RGB32bits visual.

Jerome Glisse

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