On Saturday 03 October 2009 11:11:32 Alan Coopersmith wrote:
> Didier Spaier wrote:
> > Thanks for the explanation Alan. I just can't find any clear definition
> > of "katamari" in Xorg's context, searching the wiki as well as this
> > mailing list
> >
> > :-\
> Sorry, it's what we call the X11R7.x releases in which we "roll up" a set
> of individually released modules (the X server, client libraries,
> protocols, fonts, etc - see the list in the first message in the thread)
> into a larger release set.   GNOME and KDE do similar things to build their
> desktop environment releases out of each individual module release.
> It's the core set of packages we think make a usable and useful window
> system, but which we assume you'll probably want a more complete desktop
> environment sitting on top of.
> The term comes from a series of video games [1] - perhaps one of the most
> exciting bits of information passed on at this year's X Developer's
> Conference is that they are now available for the iPhone! 8-)  [2]
> [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katamari
> [2] Okay, so I'm a hopeless geek, which is why I spent my Friday
>  night converting libXv API docs into man pages and releasing
>  X.Org modules...

Now that's perfectly clear. Thanks!

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