On Fri, Jan 08, 2010 at 05:46:06PM +1300, martin f krafft wrote:
> Thanks for taking the time to respond!
> also sprach Peter Hutterer <peter.hutte...@who-t.net> [2010.01.08.1608 +1300]:
> > xkbcomp supports -I, but the xserver doesn't provide an option to
> > set a custom include path. so your best bet is to run xkbcomp at
> > runtime for xkb files outside the default paths.
> This is what I do right now, but the question of "runtime" is what
> bothers me: what is "runtime" when you plug a USB keyboard into an
> existing X session?

with the above I meant there's no startup option of configuration option you
can use to change the X Server's defaults.
so you need to run it after the keyboard was recognized by the server
(i.e. shortly after plugging it in)

> > > 3. If (1) or (2) are not possible, then what else could I do? Is
> > > there a way to subscribe to Xorg in such a way that it informs
> > > me (or calls back) upon configuration of a new input device,
> > > such that I can relaod the keymap with xkbcomp and reset the
> > > delay/rate with xset?
> > 
> > DevicePresence are sent for each device added, removed, enabled
> > and disabled. For servers 1.7 and later, an
> > XIDeviceHierarchChanged event is sent as well.
> Okay, but to listen/react to those, I need to write a daemon using
> select(), right?

you need to write a daemon that registers for these events and reacts on
receiving them. select() is the least of your issues there (and strictly not
necessary, XNextEvent() will do)

> > > 4. After I plugged in the external keyboard, I have two
> > > keyboards. While the internal one uses my custom keymap and
> > > rate/delay settings, the external one has defaults. This makes
> > > me think that Xorg keeps these settings per-device. However,
> > > neither xset nor xkbcomp seem to allow me to specify a "target
> > > device", so that I do not seem to be able to configure just one
> > > device, but always have to configure all of them. Am
> > > I overlooking something?
> > 
> > xkbcomp -i <device id>, as I said xset doesn't let you do that.
> I couldn't figure out what <device id> is supposed to be.

xinput --list --short list all devices currently detected by the server.
device id is a unique numeric id assigned to all input devices in a 7 bit
range (with XI2 16 bit but here be dragons, the server will probably blow up
if you try it). note that device ids are reused when devices are removed.

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