Dirk De Becker wrote:
> Tom,
> Thanks for the clarifying questions, since I had no clue what 
> information John needs.
> The answers:
> - I want my program to be dominating the entire display (i.e. to be on 
> top of all other graphics). Maybe later on, I will like to be able to 
> switch between being "inside a window" and being "on top of everything 
> else", but for now, being on top of everything else will do just fine.
> - At present, I will not be changing the resolution (again, this will 
> probably be added in the future).
> - I will not do 3D stuff, videos might be possible.

To cover the whole screen, use the _NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN state to
maximize your X window.


To have unlimited power in 2D and 3D drawing, use openGL direct
with Xlib:


Forget widget toolkits. They're totally lame wrappers that hide
all the useful functionality from you, run like a waterlogged
sheep, and otherwise assume you don't want to get anything really
nontrivial running this month.

You should read up on Xlib and OpenGL programming. This may not be
quick or easy, depending on background, but is worth it if you have
ongoing use for it.
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