On Fri, 19 Feb 2010 13:03:15 -0500 (EST), Leon Shiman <l...@magic.shiman.com> 
> I do not think suggesting that a member just "not vote" is an appropriate 
> response from a Board Member to a legitimate concern about the election. 

Fair enough. I'm definitely not trying to discourage participation.

> Isn't it the Board's (and it's members') responsibility to ensure that the 
> membership is sufficiently well-informed about the issues and the candidates 
> for election to be able to exercise their voting rights.

Definitely! One unfortunate thing that's happened here is that concerns
were raised at the closing of the voting period, (rather than at the
initial announcements of the upcoming election or the original
announcements of the slate of candidates).

> A better response 
> might be to find out if this was a widespread opinion, and then re-consider 
> the closing of voting until the membership was better informed?

That might be. But that's not a response that could have come from me,
at least. The election is run by the election committee, (which consists
of those board members whose terms are not expiring this year). So I
couldn't have had any influence here.

> Accepting membership on the X.Org Board means accepting responsibility to 
> respond to members' legitimate concerns - if not to anticipate them. And you 
> asked to be elected.

Absolutely! The concerns about meeting minutes and annual reports not
being available are legitimate concerns. And both of these are being
responded to now.

Hopefully, going forward, the membership will raise any concerns in as
timely a fashion as possible, and not only annually. (Though,
admittedly, the board hasn't historically solicited direct input from
the membership other than at the time of annual election.)


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