On Thu, 2010-04-22 at 00:11 -0300, Fernando Carrijo wrote:

> Hi Jeff,
> Jeff Carr <basilarc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm having trouble finding accurate git clone and build instructions
> > on the wiki. When trying to run autoconf.sh in the xserver tree it
> > complained of "error: must install xorg-macros". Is the best way to
> > just go through and clone these one by one until the dependencies are
> > met? I suspected it's just the beginning of a long chain of hairy
> > dependences that might be worthy of emailing the list first.
> > 
> > Is there a tool like the android "repo" or perhaps a method to pull
> > down the various git trees via git submodule? Or just README that
> > contains the recommended order of building and installing?
> When it comes to X building, this is what people are referred to:
>   http://wiki.x.org/wiki/ModularDevelopersGuide
> I hope it helps!

In there, this is a simple method that works. It builds more than you
want, but it will take more time to trim it then it takes to build it. 
Starting with nothing, you get everything. The build.sh script is
Also not that you must have the correct tool chain to build. This wiki
will give you a good idea of what is needed:

From the Git repository
Note: X.Org has moved all currently maintained modules to the Git
repository. See the GitPage for more information and UsingGit on how to
use Git. 

The build.sh script is provided in the xorg/util/modular repository. It
provides a --clone flag to get the modules required. To get the initial
checkout of all modules, run: 

$> cd /tmp/src
$> git clone git://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/xorg/util/modular util/modular
$> ./util/modular/build.sh --clone -a -n /tmp/modular

This will clone all modules into the right directory structure. The -a
flags tells the script to skip automake and hence the build will fail.
The -n flag tells the script to continue regardless. Both flags together
will result in a clean checkout of every module. 

Alternatively, run the above command without the -a and -n flags and the
script will build everything into the prefix provided. 

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